Browsing New Contree: 1997 No 42 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Van Heerden, E. 1997. Postmodernisme en prosa: Vertelstrategieë in vyf verhale van Abraham H. de Vries. [Boek resensie]
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
Dedering, T. 1997. Hate the old and follow the new: Khoekhoe and missionaries in early nineteenth-century Namibia. [Book review]
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
Lewsen, P. 1996. Reverberations. A memoir. [Book review]
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
Harris, V. 1997. Exploring archives: an introduction to archival ideas and practice in South Africa. [Book review]
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
The birth of Umkhonto We Sizwe: old and new sources.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
Black territories: identity, ethnicity and politics.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
Agency in South African historiography: reflections.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
Re-creation, tourism and historical presentation: the cases of Georgetown, Colorado (USA), and Gamkaskloof, Western Province (South Africa) considered.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997)Die geskiedenis van twee gemeenskappe, een wat op mynbou gegrond was en die ander op boerdery, word in die artikel vergelyk. Georgetown, Colorado, in die V.S.A. het in 1859 ontstaan, terwyl die koloniale wording van die ... -
Privatising South Africa by dictum: a review.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997)Onlangse inisiatiewe om staatsbeheerde ondernemings in Suid-Afrika te privatiseer, met die sogenaamde doel om, inter alia, die ANC-beheerde Regering vir Nasionale Eenheid (RNE) se Heropbou- en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP) ... -
Die geding met die geheue: kontemporêre fiksie se bydrae tot teoretiese besinnings oor die historiografie.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
History as artefact and South African historians as jugglers of fictions, purveyors of snake oil, and other "suspect narratives".
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
Relaxing the reflexes: reflections on Hordotus' "historical truth".
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997)Een van die mees kontensieuse vraagstukke onder historici wentel tans om die geldigheid van "postmoderne" historiese teorie en praktyk (en by uitstek, antifondasionalisme en die daaruit vloeiende ontkenning van die ... -
Student struggles in tertiary education in South Africa during the 1980s.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
The Smythe administration and the Zulu Rebellion of 1906.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
"Forgetting the past" for "citizenship": barter and resentment in Martinique (1848 - 1946)
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997) -
Political and economical machinations: a new look at sir George Grey's plans for British Kaffrarian.
(Department of History, University of North-West, 1997)• Opsomming: In 1855 het Sir George Grey daarin geslaag om 'n onwillige Britse regering te oorreed om 'n jaarlikse bedrag van £40 000 by te dra vir die onderhoud van Brits Kaffraria. Terselfdertyd het hy 'n toekenning ...