Interactive data mapping for industrial energy management
Data maps serve the purpose of visually representing information. They are especially useful for allowing people to grasp complex data structures. An interactive data map adds the functionality of people and systems being able to interact with the data through the use of the data map. This interaction may include navigation through parts of data structures or physically manipulating the underlying data. In this study the feasibility of utilising an interactive data map implemented for the purpose of energy management in industries, such as gold mining and cement manufacturing, is taken under consideration. The interactive data map forms part of a complete energy management system that entails automated data capturing, control systems data aggregation, automated reporting and online interactive data presentation. A software component, which is developed for the purpose of illustrating the use of such a data map, will serve as the main line of discussion. Various requirements from the current state of affairs are identifed in the literature study. These are utilised as the basis of the specifications against which the interactive data map, as an efficient software tool for control, communication and policy compliance, is validated and verifed.
- Engineering [1423]