'n Ondersoek na die amalgamering van skole in die RSA
Rationalisation, because of a lack of governmental funds, has become part of the
education system of the RSA. In schools it implies that teaching posts are being
reduced and that more emphasis is placed on the optimum use of physical facilities.
For many smaller and rural schools, amalgamation became a possible solution to
the problem. The amalgamation of schools however, implies a drastic change in the
status quo. The main aim of the study is to investigate amalgamation as a facet of the changing process. This aim is operationalised with the help of a literature study to determine the character of change and furthermore to determine what amalgamation implies and how it should be managed. Thereupon, by ways of an empirical investigation, based on a structured questionnaire which was sent to all the schools in the Free State which had amalgamated since 1995, it was determined in which way the amalgamation of schools is managed and what problems they experience in this regard. From the literature study it appeared that change is implemented to bring about renewal. A lot of different factors influence change in the education system. Headmasters have an important role to play in the management of change. Special attention should be given to the different managerial skills to manage the process of amalgamation successfully. Headmasters should be alert for conflict which may occur during the amalgamation.
The empirical investigation showed that headmasters in general have the skills to
implement and manage change brought forth by amalgamation. Furthermore it came
to light that headmasters in general are not aware of resistance against the amalgamation or on the management of the process. Furthermore it was found that
headmasters do not always see the change brought forth by the amalgamation as a
change for the better. A few of the most important findings which came from the study were that change is a planned and systematic process. A lot of different factors and forces bring about change. If the headmaster, in conjunction with his personnel and other interested parties, plans correctly, organise, manage and take the lead, amalgamation, as a unique process of change, success may be increased. There are certain requirements set by the different departments of education on the process of
amalgamation which should be considered. The process of amalgamation has a lot
of advantages as well as disadvantages, and if the process is managed purposefully, the disadvantages can mainly be overcome.
A few of the most important guidelines to efficiently manage the amalgamation of
schools, are that headmasters should keep themselves up to date on all the changes going on in the education system. Furthermore the process of amalgamation, as option, to efficiently manage schools with a shrinking pupil number, should be studied in great detail before it can be considered. A thorough knowledge of all the managerial functions will enable headmasters to help the process of amalgamation go along effectively. Any conflict which may occur during amalgamation, should be managed in such a way that the process itself is not
- Education [1692]