'n Fundamenteel–opvoedkundige ondersoek na ouer–kind–opvoedingsverhoudinge met spesifieke verwysing na kerngesinne in Ikageng
The objectives of this research were mainly to determine the nature of healthy and theoretically ideal parent-child educational relationships from a fundamental-educational viewpoint and to use this theoretical background as a frame of reference for an empirical evaluation of the identified parent-child educational relationships in the black town Ikageng.
According to research results (Anon, 1986:4; Pretorius, 1988:35) healthy parent-child educational relationships are a guarantee for the stability of community life. On the other hand negative and unhealthy parent-child relationships have disintegration and deterioration of the community as a result. Against a background of unrest and disharmony in various current black areas in South Africa, research in order to identify factors which could possibly contribute to such unrest situations is of paramount importance. In this research the nature of the parent-child educational relationships of black families is identified as a factor which contributes to disharmonic community relationships. The relationships within the core family are emphasised because the core family is the most common type of family in the current industrial community. When undertaking any study or research concerning blacks in South
Africa, one should keep in mind that these people find themselves in a situation of a serious identity crisis. This identity crisis is a result of the influence of Christianity, Western culture and the process of urbanisation; they are caught up in between a traditional and a Christian-Western life pattern. Therefore it was necessary to first take into consideration their traditional view of life, their view of a community and educational ideas before authoritative ideas on inter alia the adequacy of parent-child educational relationships can be formed. In general the results of the empirical research concerning the effectiveness of parent-child educational relationships are positive. Research results show that especially in the field of the authority relationship, parents try to guide their children with love and sympathy towards independent adulthood. The relationship of understanding is also healthy and adequate. Parents feel inadequate however concerning the deeper dimensions of the knowledge relationship; they also experience a lack of time, due to long working hours, to communicate with their children effectively. Research results derived from this empirical study show that parent-child educational relationships in the black town Ikageng prove, in spite of a few problems, to be adequate. Ikageng is characterised (as verified by questionnaire responses) by peace and harmony, with the result that one can come to the conclusion that this peaceful milieu can be linked to the large percentage of families with harmonious parent-child relationships. In this study guide lines are given for the improvement of educational relationships as a basis of knowledge for the identification and remediation of inadequate educational relationships; this is done to enhance future responsible parenthood for the development of peace and stability in this country. Further recommendations are inter alia that the same kind of research done in Ikageng should be undertaken in black communities with a higher incidence of unrest and instability than in the target group. Research should also be done in other population groups than the Tswana who is basically peace loving people.
- Education [1692]