Die geologie en petrologie van die wonderfonteingang
The Wonderfontein dyke is one of the longest composite
dykes of the Pilanesberg dyke-swarm. It can be traced from
Pilanesberg where it cuts the outer rings of syenite and
nepheline syenite, over the Magaliesberg to northwest of
Parys, a total distance of 190 km. This dyke was studied
along its entire length and to a depth of 997 min the North
Shaft and in the underground workings on West Driefontein
Mine. The dyke is composed of a core of nepheline syenite
(± 30 m wide) and walls of dolerite (± 2 m wide). These
two rock types are separated from one another by a thin zone
of altered hybrid rock (± 20 cm wide). The symmetrical disposition of the dolerite in relation to the central nepheline syenite is a striking feature which persists both along
the length of the dyke and also in depth, even where the
felsic core becomes a minor part of the dyke.
A detailed study of the joints in the dyke in North
Shaft (sunk in the Wonderfontein dykel revealed that vertical joints are the most abundant over the total vertical
depth of 997 m. These joints could be classified as cross
joints, diagonal joints, and longitudinal joints. Certain
joint concentrations in the dyke correspond to some of the
regional joints in the adjacent country rocks.
The study includes the petrography and major element
chemistry of the dyke rocks. The nepheline syenite is composed essentially of orthoclase, aegirine-augite, nepheline,
plagioclase, and biotite. There is little variation in its
mineralogical compqsition both horizontally and vertically.
The nepheline syenite contains abundant elongated inclusions
which differ cqnsiderably in composition from the host rock.
Inclusions of nepheline syenite and phonolite are abundant.
Along the contact with the dolerite on either side of the
nephelirie syenite, i~clusions of dolerite are quite common,
but decreq,se in number towards the core of the dyke. A few
nepheline syenite pegmatite veins occur in both parts of the
composite dyke.
rhe transition from nepheline syenite to dolerite on
either side of the felsic core of the dyke is represented
by a thin zone of hybrid rock which is usually highly altered
and contains recognizable inclusions of dolerite but not of
nepheline syenite or phonolite.
The X-ray fluorescence analyses of samples taken both
along the length and breadth, and in depth, of the dyke shows
that there is very little variation in the major element composition. The nepheline syenite inclusions, however, show
more variation and differ considerably in composition from
the nepheline syenite host. On petrographic grounds the
nepheline syenite may be classified as peralkaline, but the
norm contains no acmite. The norms of the pegmatite veins,
however, do contain acmite and this indicates a trend towards peralkalinity with progressive crystallization which
is substantiated by the modal increase in albite and the
presence of aegirine in place of aegirine-augite.
The dolerite is composed of labradorite and augite.
The field relationships show that the dolerite was emplaced
first and chilled against the country rocks. The chilled
dolerite contains vertically orientated microphenocrysts
of piagioclase and olivine but, towards the nepheline syenite,
the dolerite becomes coarser grained and subophitic.
The presence of inclusions of dolerite in the nepheline syenite and in the hybrid zone shows that the dolerite
was still partly liquid when the nepheline syenite was intruded. This is substantiated by the linear variation of
Ti0 2 , Fe2o3 , MgO, Cao, Na2o, and K2o from the dolerite to
the nepheline syenite through the hybrid zone. The nepheline syenite adjacent to the hybrid zone is finer grained
with smaller phenocrysts than the central part of the dyke.
The presence of composite inclusions of nepheline syenite
within nepheline syenite in the core of the dyke indicates
that the intrusion of the nepheline syenite must have been
multiple in at least three stages.
The magmas of Pilanesberg and its dykes were most
probably developed by fractional differentiation of primary
alkaline olivine basalt or fractional melting of mantle