
Vol. 2, No. 1, July 2006

Editorial Comment



TD has had a positive response from local and international readers since the first issue appeared in December 2005. Some readers provided valued comments and advice. Our intention is to respond to the suggestions and aspire to making the journal a useful academic platform for communication on matters of transdisciplinary research.

We thank you for your participation and will see to it that the channels ofcommunication are kept open, very much alive and sensitive to your requirements.

A special word of thanks to our editorial partners. Without authors of articles and a supportive editorial team this publication would not have been possible.

TD on the web.

We are proud to inform our readers that TD is now available on the web. Access is currently free. In time to come it would be confined to subscribers.


Dit is die beleid van TD om, ter bevordering van wetenskapsbeoefening, in die erkende internasionale, maar ook in al die amptelike tale van Suid-Afrika, artikels en resensies te publiseer. Daarwas, totop die hede, 'n skaarste aan anderstalige bydraes. Skrywers word aangemoedig om met vrymoedigheid in enige taal met ons oor transdissiplinere wetenskapsbeoefening te kommunikeer.

Dit sou goed wees as skrywers in veral die inheemse Afrikatale bydraes lewer. In die besonder is daar op die redaksie van hierdie tydskrif 'n sagte plekkie vir skrywers wat in die San- en Khoitaal wetenskaplike mededelings wil maak. Ons is bereid om die ekstra spreekwoordelike 'myl' te stap om van bystand in hierdie verband te wees.

In die huidige uitgawe het ons wel 'n resensie van publikasies in die Franse taal. Hopelik is dit die voorloper van 'n stewige artikel uit die Franse kultuurmilieu van Afrika en/of Europa.

A TD conference?

In view of the fact that there is a growing number of researchers in the field of transdisciplinary research in southern Africa, there has been a suggestion that maybe an opportunity to communicate should be created in the form of a conference. It should be an occasion for like-minded individuals, and interested parties, to participate in discussions on their encounters with transdisciplinary methodologies research. Perhaps it could be the start of forging networks of collaboration in the field of transdisciplinary research in many spheres, not only in southern Africa, but also further afield.

Formal and informal discussions are currently being conducted on the matter. Readers are welcome to email the editor on the matter.

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