Africana Collection
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Other Africana [60]
Recent Submissions
Venda ngano narratives. Dialogues between past and present
(2021)The annotated ngano song-story narratives in this book were collected in Niani, South Africa's Limpopo valley, from 2009 to 2016. Their discussion is situated at the intersection of history, ethnography, narratology and ... -
Venda ḽashu : Tshivenda songs, musical games and song stories
(Potchefstroom, South Africa : Northwest University, School of Music, 2004)The songs, musical games and song stories in this book originate from two sources. The first is a collection of songs I accumulated from 1983-1994 among Tshivenda-speaking people living in South Africa’s Limpopo Province. ... -
The girls in the baobab : Venda stories from the Limpopo Valley
(Potchefstroom, South Africa : School of Music, North-West University, 2014)The primary purpose of this collection of stories is the documenting of a waning oral narrative practice. Because the stories are integral to a culture-specific symbolic system, it is necessary that their meanings should ... -
The flamboyant rooster and other Tshivenda song stories
(New Gauteng Printers, 2007)Ngano are song stories of precolonial origin told by the Tshivenda-speaking people of South Africa. There are various reasons why they deserve a larger audience. Like folklore elsewhere, they are ancient artistic maps of ... -
Bothaville en sy mense
(Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 1994)Hierdie boek bet sy verskyning te danke aan 'n begeerte by histories-bewuste mense van Bothaville om die bonderjarige bestaan van die dorp feesvierend in 1991 te herdenk. Daardeur het Bothaville aangesluit by die talle ... -
The troubled Afrikaner-tribe of South Africa
(ADAM WALTERS & Company, 2020)"The world on September 11, 1901, was not a bad place for a healthy white man with a decent education and some money in the bank when the class to which he belonged had enjoyed 'at a low cost and with the least trouble, ... -
Sangomas in South Africa’s Modern-day Healthcare
(ADAM WALTERS & Company, 2020)There are few fields in healthcare that elicit such controversy as traditional healthcare. The various negative and opposing reactions on the promulgation of the Traditional Health Practitioners Act (22 of 2007) (from here ... -
Lewe in liefde : moraliteit vir die markplein
(Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 1999)Van die kant van die IRS is die versoek ontvang om 'n bundeltjie saam te stel wat oor aktuele (etiese) temas handel. Vanwee hulle aktualiteit is twee resente artikels wat in die bundel Etiek in eenvoud (1998) verskyn het, ... -
Nege maal 'makarios' : die saligsprekinge van ons Saligmaker
(Potchefstroom : Pro Rege, 1980) -
Verklaring van die Heidelbergse Kategismus : Sondag 25 tot Sondag 52
(Potchefstroom, 1986) -
(Potchefstroom: Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO, 1975) -
Kort overzicht over de geschiedenis der wijsbegeerte voor den cursus paedagogiek M.O.A.
(North-West University (South-Africa). Potchefstroom Campus, 1956)De geschiedenis der wijsbegeerte is slechts een onderdeel van de geschiedenis der cultuur in haar geheel. Maar een zeer belangrijk onderdeel. Want meer dan een philosophische conceptie gaf een geslaagde vertolking van wat ... -
Kort overzicht over de geschiedenis der wijsbegeerte
(North-West University (South-Africa). Potchefstroom Campus, 1940)De prediking van het Evangelie, die gedurende de vorige eeuwen vrijwel uitsluitend tot Israel beperkt geweest was, thans ook tot andere volkeren uitging. Daardoor kwamen deze volkeren in annraking met vraag stukken en ... -
Simposium oor maatskaplike werk gehou op 27 Maart 1969 by die P.U. vir C.H.O. tydens die eeufeesviering van die Teologiese skool van die GereformeerdeKerk in Suid-Afrika en Potchefstroom se Universiteit vir Christelike hoër Onderwys
([Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1969) -
Samestelling, Afleiding en Woordsoortelike Meerfunksionaliteit in Afrikaans
(Nasou Beperk, 1969)Hierdie bundel is 'n gewysigde en aangevulde herdruk van Woordvorming en Funksiewisseling in Afrikaans. Waar kritiek op foute en antler tekortkominge gewys het, is geprobeer om dit in hoe mate te verbeter. Daarmee word ... -
The grape cure
(Johannesburg: Technical Press, 1929) -
The sacred spine
(North-West University, 1929) -
A priceless gift: the discovery of the ice and grape cure
(North-West University, 1947) -
An easy guide to the South African Dutch language
(Borckenhagen and Co., Publishers, 1900)PREFACE: The present volume has been prepared for the benefit of those Englishmen whose profession or business brings them in close contact with the Dutch-speaking section of the South African population. Many of them would ...