Aspekte van lyding in die poësie van Elisabeth Eybers
Suffering is pati of life and is often ngarded as a universal theme in literawe. The oeuvre of the Afrikaans poet, Elisabeth Eybers, is characterised by the way in which the poet deals with suffering. In this study Eybers's oeuwe is studied in an attempt to determine the ways and means by which suffering becomes language and how poesy can alleviate and transcend suffering. To analyse the relation between poetry and suffering as a theme, statements by the poet herself are discussed along with literary analyses and critical assessments of her work. Eybcrs's personal poetics, as formulated by the poet herself and as expressed in poems, is
traced and discussed along with general characteristics of the poems. This becomes a point of deparmre for close readings of the poems. Biographical information and the poet's own views are used to identify periods of suffering in her life as well as the type of suffering to which she is sensitive, in an attempt to map the thematic content of the poems. The relation between suffering and poetry, the causes of suffering and the relation between suffering and the activity of writing of poetry are analysed without losing sight of the way in which the use of poetic techniques and the use of irony, paradox and contrast as poetic devices, qualify and complicate the meaning of the poems. An extensive survey of reviews of all the volumes of poetry is presented as a historical reception report, though the focus remains on suffering as a theme. The central theme of each volume is discussed in its relation to suffering and general developments in the oeuvre are indicated, for instance the way in which subsequent volumes fluctuate between suffering and
happiness. A selection of poetical poems are analysed closely by focussing on the relation been suffering and the poem as such on the one hand and the poet, the reader and the thematic content on the other. It is indicated that the poet uses poetry as a defence against dering and the poem becomes the means by which the poet attempts to understand and transcend suffering. It becames clear that Elisabeth Eybers is deeply wncemed with the relation bctween suffering and the writing of pow and the poem as such becomes a place of refuge and healing. In these poems poetry and life becomes one for the poet as well as the reader. Eybers's poetic ability, her command of language and devices such as irony, prevents her from expexiencing or depicting suffering as absolute. Suffering becomes pow but is always supplemented and contrasted by happiness and a host of other emotions. The poem ultimately enables the poet to achieve serenity and to survive.
- Humanities [2680]