Wessels v De Jager en die repudiëringskonstruksie in die insolvensiereg
This mini-dissertation is primarily concerned with finding a solution to the problem
regarding the repudiation of an inheritance by an insolvent. It is argued in the
Wessels v De Jager case that when an insolvent repudiates an inheritance with
the sole purpose of keeping the inheritance from being absolved by his creditors,
such repudiation constitutes an act of insolvency. It is trite law that certain acts
of insolvency can be rescinded in terms of section 26 of the Insolvency Act.
To this end extensive use has been made of cases regarding this issue. Wessels
v De Jager is the main point of departure regarding this study as it is the most
recent case to establish a precedent.
The court in Wessels found that the repudiation by an insolvent did not constitute
an act of insolvency. In view thereof, it is suggested that the court erred in its
finding in that the court based its decision primarily on the stipulation alteri. The
stipulation alteri is an inherent contractual phenomenon.
It is suggested that repudiation by an insolvent should be regarded as an act of
insolvency. The corresponding reason for this premise is that when even at
delatio certain rights exist. These rights are contingent or vested rights. The
definition of asset in section 2 of the Insolvency Act is inclusive of contingent
interests. Section 8 of the Insolvency Act stipulates that when an insolvent
alienates his assets in such a way as to prejudice his creditors, such alienation
constitutes a deed of insolvency.
It is therefore argued that the repudiation of an inheritance by an insolvent heir is
a deed of insolvency in terms of section 8 of the Insolvency Act which can
be set aside by the court.
- Law [832]