Huidige probleme van die onderwys en opvoeding van die verstandelik begaafde kind in die juniorafdelings van veertien Afrikaanse laerskole in die Vaaldriehoek en die implementering van 'n moontlike oplossing
Educationists have often stressed the need for sound means or education and efficient programmes for teaching the bright and mentally girted. Through the ages men or superior intelligence have been the leaders
in the fields or science, linguistic, industry and medicine. These men made new discoveries and were responsible £or
inventions which improved the living standards or their fellow human beings.
Research done by different research workers such as Hildreth, Hollingworth, Marriane Frostig, Langeveld and many others, has proved that most of these capable leaders were men and women or particular distinction who possessed more than average mental abilities and who enjoyed efficient special education. In this study an attempt 'is made to identify the mentally girted pupils in the junior division or fourteen Afrikaans medium schools in the Vaal Triangle. Schools with an
enrollment or six hundred and more pupils were selected in order to facilitate the application or modern intelligence tests and the organisation or the project.
Furthermore this survey wishes to outline appropriate means or educating the bright and mentally girted. These mentally
gifted children were selected by their different class teachers after at least six months had passed since instruction
started. Although the validity or intelligence quotient tests is often called in question, these were used in the selection or 322 pupils from the junior division
or the above-mentioned schools. These tests were supplied by the Human Sciences Research Council (H.S.R.C.) Subsequently the home background or every pupil concerned was investigated and the trades or professions or the parents were established. This was accomplished by distributing circulars amongst 244 families in the Vaal Triangle with the aid of school
teachers and pupils in the junior classes of the above mentioned schools. It was round that the parents were financially, culturally
and educationally capable of providing for the special education of their mentally gifted children. The survey was also undertaken to confirm the ability of the parents in the Vaal Triangle to provide for the educational needs of their girted offspring. 1. Parents and education of mentally gifted children. The following conclusions were arrived at after the
above-mentioned survey: 1.1. There is an accumulation of professional parents
in the Vaal Triangle. 1.2. Parents possess the necessary means to provide for the education of their mentally gifted children.
1.3. Successful education calls for parental support This support entails finance, study opportunities and the willingness of parents to supply the means for education which will provide appropriately for the talents and mental ability of their offspring.
2. The school and education of mentally girted. The part to be played by the schools in special education for mentally gifted children was also investigated during the course of this survey. Methods which can be successfully implemented were examined. The author sees the part to be played by the school as follows: 2.1. Safety
The small child enrolled in a big school for the first time, feels itself insecure in an institution with so many members. Psychologically speaking the first task of the primary school therefore, lies in finding a way by which it can foster special attention to its newly enrolled pupils. 2.2. Enriched curriculum and grouping. To cope efficiently with the mentally gifted and
enriched curriculum should be implemented while grouping of these pupils is essential. In conclusion proposals are made for the timely detection of the mentally gifted pupils and the
establishment of special schools for them.
- Education [1692]