'n Evaluering van tugmaatreëls in die Transvaalse primere skole
The purpose of this thesis is to look into and to investigate the evaluation of disciplinary
Research has been done in order to: • establish which pedagogical and juridical guidelines are to be considered when implementing disciplinary measures, • to establish which of these measures are to be used in primary schools, and • to evaluate such disciplinary measures. To achieve these goals a literary study and 3IJ empirical investigation have been completed.
In the literary study specific attention has been paid to the evaluation of disciplinary measures
with reference to laws, regulations and departmental guidelines.
A synopsis in connection with the juridical and pedagogical character of disciplinary measures
has been completed especially as far as the following aspects are concerned: authority,
order, discipline, the principles of judiciary education, the disposition of educative discipline,
directives for disciplinary measures, reasons for pupils being undisciplined and forms of
disciplinary measures.
An empirical investigation has clearly indicated problems experienced by principals of primary
Limitations concerning the evaluation of disciplinary measures and ways of implementing
in-service training, have been established.
It has been concluded that some principals do not possess of any qualifications in connection
with educational management. Principals should establish which instruments are suitable
for corporal punishment, which teachers are allowed to inflict such punishment with the
principal's consent and where such punishment should be administered.
The disciplinary climate in the school and that at home has much in common. Corporal
punishment cannot be done away with.
Principals should also try to ascertain the reasons for undisciplined conduct in schools and
how verbal and non-verbal disciplinary measures can be sophisticated.
Guidelines have been laid down and recommendations have been made for the evaluation
of disciplinary measures by principals in the primary schools in the Transvaal.
- Education [1692]