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dc.contributor.authorCompion, Johannes Christiaan
dc.contributor.authorSteyn, Hendrik Johannes
dc.contributor.authorWolhuter, Charste Coetzee
dc.contributor.authorVan der Walt, Johannes Lodewicus
dc.identifier.citationCompion, J.C. et al. 2010. Life and worldview: development and transformation – the case of the Lamba of the Masaiti region in Zambia. Koers:bulletin for Christian scholarship = Koers: Bulletin vir Christelike wetenskap, 75(4):811-832. [] []en_US
dc.description.abstractThis article reports on a case study regarding the development and educational transformation of a subgroup of the Lamba living in the Masaiti region of the Copper Belt Province of Zambia, where the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education in Zambia (FCE) has been serving for the past thirteen years. It was concluded that the current life- and worldview of a community such as the one living in the Masaiti region can be transformed to a truly Christ-centred life- and worldview by firstly taking cognisance of how the community currently expresses itself in terms of each of the universals or components of a life and worldview, and secondly by subjecting each of those universals or components to a process of life- and worldview transformation. It was furthermore found that life- and worldview transformation should be seen as a prerequisite for the developmental transformation of such communities.en_US
dc.description.abstractLewens- en werklikheidsvisie: ontwikkeling en transformasie – 'n gevallestudie oor die Lamba woonagtig in die Masaitistreek van Zambië Hierdie artikel berig oor 'n gevallestudie aangaande die ontwikkeling en die onderwyskundige transformasie van 'n subgroep van die Lamba, woonagtig in die Masaiti-streek van die Koperbeltprovinsie van Zambië. Die Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education in Zambië (FCE) is reeds die afgelope dertien jaar werksaam onder die mense in hierdie gebied. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die huidige lewens- en werklikheidsvisie van 'n gemeenskap soos dié van die Masaiti-streek getransformeer sal kan word tot 'n ware Christus-gesentreerde lewens- en werklikheidsvisie. Dit kan gedoen word deur eerstens in ag te neem hoe die gemeenskap homself tans tot uitdrukking bring in terme van elkeen van die universaliteite of komponente van 'n lewens- en werklikheidsvisie, en tweedens deur elkeen van hierdie universaliteite of komponente te onderwerp aan 'n proses van lewens- en werklikheidsbeskouingstransformasie. Daar is ook tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat lewens- en werklikheidsvisietransformasie beskou moet word as 'n voorvereiste vir die ontwikkelingstransformasie van sodanige gemeenskappe.
dc.subjectEducation, Christ-centreden_US
dc.subjectlife- and worldviewen_US
dc.subjectphilosophy, personalen_US
dc.subjecttransformation theorising, scientificen_US
dc.titleLife and worldview: development and transformation – The case of the Lamba of the Masaiti region in Zambiaen_US
dc.contributor.researchID10058656 - Steyn, Hendrik Johannes
dc.contributor.researchID11819898 - Wolhuter, Charste Coetzee
dc.contributor.researchID10055150 - Van der Walt, Johannes Lodewicus

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