South African mineral law: a historical overview of the state’s regulatory power regarding the exploitation of minerals.
The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002
[MPRDA] acknowledges that the country’s mineral resources belong to the
nation. The State is subsequently appointed as custodian of these resources.
As custodian the State has the ultimate responsibility to grant, issue, control,
administer and manage all rights in minerals. As a consequence of this wide
regulatory authority a landowner’s right to deal with the minerals imbedded in
the soil of his property has completely been annihilated. This article gives an
historical overview of the State’s regulatory power regarding the exploitation
of the country’s minerals to determine the extent to which the State has, in
the past, took upon itself the power to decide where, when and by whom the
country’s mineral riches could be mined. A historical perspective of the extent
of the State’s regulatory powers regarding the exploitation of minerals might
be beneficial when the provisions of the MPRDA are interpreted.