"Thinking your journal unimportant": a feminist literary analysis of selected excerpts from Lady Anne Barnard’s Cape diaries.
This article offers a feminist literary analysis of selected excerpts from the diaries that
Lady Anne Barnard wrote during her stay at the Cape Colony from 1797 until 1802.
Lady Anne was, by all accounts, an extremely productive writer and correspondent
who left behind a wealth of material at the time of her death on 6 May 1825. The
article argues that diaries can provide valuable insights about gendered constructions
at different historical moments and about how individual women navigated such
gendered structures in their daily lives. The textual specificities of diaries require that
researchers adjust our reading strategies to meet the demands of these texts. Lady
Anne emerges as a complex subject who is both subversive and constrained in her
negotiations with gendered constructions of “proper” female roles and behaviour.
Even as she challenges these constructions, she also appears to have internalized
them, at least partly.