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dc.contributor.authorAppel, André
dc.identifier.citationAppel, A. 1988. Grondbesetting en grondbesit op Bethelsdorp, 1828 - 1945. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 23:23-28, Mar. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Kragtens Wet 12 van 1873 is private Grondbesit op vier sendingstasies van die Londense Sendinggenootskap (L SG) ingestel. Hierdie artikel wys kortliks op die tradisionele wyse van grondbesetting en behandel vervolgens die toepassing van genoemde wetgewing op Bethelsdorp. Daar word aangetoon dat private grondbesit ook in daardie gemeenskap 'n eksklusiewe proses was aangesien baie inwoners steeds meentgrond moes huur. Die idealistiese verwagtinge van die LSG gedurende die 1860's oor grondbesit is derhalwe nie verwesenlik nie. Want ofskoon vervreemding van grond as 'n natuurlike uitvloeisel van hierdie praktyk plaasgevind het, het 'n bewussyn van die waarde van private grondbesit ongetwyfeld ook ontwikkel.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: Private landownership was instituted at four mission stations of the London Missionary Society (LMS) in terms of Act 12 of 1873. This article sketches the traditional occupation of land and further examines the application of the said legislation to Bethelsdorp. It points out that private landownership in that community was also an exclusive process since many inhabitants still had to lease commonage. Thus the idealistic expectations of the LMS regarding ownership of land during the 1860s were not realized. For although alienation of land did in fact occur as a result of this Practice, there is no doubt that an awareness of the value of private landownership also developed.
dc.publisherAfdeling Plaaslike en Streekgeskiedenisnavorsing van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Division for Local and Regional History Research, Institute for Historical Research, HSRCen_US
dc.titleGrondbesetting en grondbesit op Bethelsdorp, 1828 - 1945.en_US

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