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dc.contributor.authorVan Zyl, D J
dc.identifier.citationVan Zyl, D.J. 1991. Langeberg Koöperasie Bpk, 1938 - 1954: 'n triomf in sosiale en ekonomiese koöperasie. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 29:11-17, Apr. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Langeberg Koöperasie is in 1938 gestig uit die behoefte aan 'n infrastruktuur om die vrugte- en groentebedryf in die Langebergstreek te bevorder. Die dorp Ashton as sentrum van die koöperasie het gevolglik baie uitgebrei. Die groot bestellings tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog was ‘n besliste hupstoot, maar die bemarkingsbeleid moes nietemin by die oorlogsbeleid aangepas word. Na die oorlog het ʼn doelbewuste nasionale reklameveldtog Langeberg-produksie sterk bevorder. Om sy posisie daarna in die verswakkende Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie te verstewig, het die koöperasie in 1954 vier ander inmaakmaatskappye oorgeneem. Hierdie hoogtepunt in sy geskiedenis sou egter groot gevaar inhou.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: Langeberg Co-operation was founded in 1938 out of a need for infrastructure to promote the fruit and vegetable industry in the Langeberg area. The town Ashton as centre of the co-operation subsequently expanded substantially. The big orders during the Second World War boosted the co-operation, but the marketing policy had nevertheless to be adjusted to the war economy. After the war a deliberate national publicity campaign stimulated Langeberg production. To strengthen its position thereafter during the lapse in the South American economy the co-operation took over four other canning companies in 1954. This highlight in its history would, however, signify danger.
dc.publisherAfdeling Plaaslike en Streekgeskiedenisnavorsing van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Division for Local and Regional History Research, Institute for Historical Research, HSRCen_US
dc.titleLangeberg Koöperasie Bpk, 1938 - 1954: 'n triomf in sosiale en ekonomiese koöperasie.en_US

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