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dc.contributor.authorStoker, Henk G.en_US
dc.identifier.citationStoker, H.G. 2010. Genesis en teologie: ’n antwoord op Nico Vorster se seining van Genesis 1-3 as polemiese teologie. Journal for Christian scholarship = Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap, 46(3 & 4):213-236 []en_US
dc.description.abstractFrom a reformed dogmatic and apologetic viewpoint, this article investigates the new understanding of Genesis 1-3 as theological material with a polemic and prophetic purpose. This is what dr Nico Vorster wants to bring into the catechism classes and other work of the Reformed churches. Critical questions are being asked about issues such as Voster's view of science; also the measure that determines what is historical and what is mythical, as well as his assumptions about Biblical history and antique creation stories. Voster's view is being judged according to the claims of the Scripture and the reformed confession and hermeneutics. This article comes to the conclusion that the questions that Vorster poses the text of Genesis 1-3, that do not come directly from the text itself, causes him to, unlawfully, find answers that changes the context and content from what is really written in the first chapters of the Bible..
dc.publisherThe Association for Christian Higher Education / Die Vereniging vir Christelike Hoër Onderwysen_US
dc.titleGenesis en teologie: ’n antwoord op Nico Vorster se seining van Genesis 1-3 as polemiese teologieen_US
dc.contributor.researchID10105484 - Stoker, Hendrik Gerhardus

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