Student History teachers' personal theories on teaching: autobiographies and their emerging professional identities.
Philosophy of teaching statements are autobiographical reflective statements
on teaching and learning. Such statements can therefore be regarded as a
window into the professional identities of teachers, and are increasingly called
for internationally when promotion and appointments are considered. In this
paper the philosophy of teaching statements of final-year History Education
student teachers, are used as the units of analysis. Although meaningful themes
on their emerging professional identities as prospective History teachers
materialised, in the article I argue that their philosophy of teaching statements
were burdened by constraints such as a lack of experience and the educational
context they found themselves in. In conclusion I contend that although the
philosophy of teaching statements provided nothing more than a porthole
into the multilayered emerging professional identities of the History student
teachers it gave the latter the opportunity to develop a picture of themselves
as History teachers.