The missionary calling of the Reformed Churches in the multicultural context of South Africa
The main focus of this study was to investigate and describe the missionary calling of the Reformed Churches in the multicultural context of South Africa. Due to the multicultural context of South Africa, the Reformed churches are still struggling in crossing the frontiers. In order to break down the frontiers, solutions have to be found for the following two main problems: how should the church communicate the gospel in a multicultural society and how can a church promote unity of peoples from different cultural backgrounds? Culture and communication are inseparable. Culture is a very important part of communication. Culture is one of the integral parts of the way of life of a people. It includes among others habits, customs, social organizations, techniques, language, values, norms, ideas, and belie&. According to this definition, culture and lifestyle of the people are inseparable: where there is life there is culture. In case of communicating the
gospel to people of another cultural setting, it is very important to apply principles of
intercultural communication of the gospel and try to speak their language. It is very
important to try to avoid cultural barrier to the communication of the gospel. Unity of the church is not built on racial issues; it is built on Christ as the head of the church. God's purpose in Christ includes the oneness of the human race, and that oneness must become visible in the church. Reformed Churches in South Africa need one another
in this multicultural context to become partners in the proclamation of the Word. And for the world to believe what they are proclaiming, it is imperative for the Reformed Churches to seek unity within the diversities that South Africa have. Cultural diversity should not be regarded as an embarrassment, but as an opportunity to
be enriched. Multiculturalism can present itself as something good and healthy for all
cultures involved. It is wise to make use of the goodness of culture for the sake of the
gospel to reach all nations.
- Theology [793]