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dc.contributor.authorImmelman, Elbie
dc.identifier.citationImmelman, E. 1977. Die St. John-Anglikaanse kerk, Victoria-Wes. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 1:29-30, Jan. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Robert Gray het in 1847 opdrag gekry om na Suid-Afrika te kom as die eerste Anglikaanse biskop van Kaapstad. Sy vrou Sophia, 'n begaafde argitek en kunstenares, het hom in sy werksaamhede bygestaan en vergesel op die meeste van sy binnelandse reise. Oral waar hy gemeentes gestig het, het sy die kerkgeboue ontwerp, waarvan sommige vandag nog te sien is op George, Knysna, Claremont (Kaapstad), Caledon, Fraserburg, Riversdal, Worcester, Clanwilliam en Victoria-Wes. Gedurende hulle laaste reis na die binneland in 1869 het biskop Gray, sy vrou en die plaaslike landdros, Harold Welby, die tertein vir die St. John-Anglikaanse kerk op Victoria-Wes uitgesoek. Sophia Gray het weer eens die kerk ontwerp. Die hoeksteen is op 27 Desember 1869 deur John Adams gelê, maar die kerk is eers in 1874 voltooi. 'n Treffende kenmerk van hierdie kerk is die gebrandskilderde vensters, veral die drie bokant die altaar wat die kruisiging en opstanding van Christus uitbeeld.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: Robert Gray was commissioned in 1847 to come to South Africa as the first Anglican bishop of Cape Town. His wife Sophia, a talented architect and artist, assisted him in his work and accompanied him on most of his journeys into the interior. Wherever he established congregations she designed the churches, some of which are still to be seen at George, Knysna, Claremont (Cape), Caledon, Fraserburg, Riversdale, Worcester, Clanwilliam and Victoria West. During their last trip into the interior in 1869 Bishop Gray, his wife and Harold Welby, the resident magistrate, chose the site for the St. John's Anglican church at Victoria West and Sophia Gray designed it. The foundation stone was laid on 27 December 1869 by John Adams but the church was completed only in 1874. The stained glass windows, especially the three above the altar depicting the crucifixion and the resurrection, form a striking feature of this church.
dc.publisherAfdeling Streekgeskiedenis van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Section for Regional History, Institute for Historical Research, HSRC
dc.titleDie St. John-Anglikaanse kerk, Victoria-Wes.en_US

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