GAWIE CILLIÉ GEDENKLESING / MEMORIAL LECTURE : Liturgical renewal as a catalyst for worship wars in traditional Afrikaans Protestant churches / Liturgiese vernuwing as ’n katalisator vir aanbiddingsoorloë in tradisionele Afrikaanse Protestantse kerke
Afrikaans Protestant churches have a long and deep church music tradition. History
has also shown that various individuals have done much over the years to stimulate
development in our church music, church music culture, and a reformed singing tradition.
Reformers like Luther and Calvin had an enormous impact on the development
of our theology of song and music as well as the development of the Psalms and
hymns as we know them today. The aim of this paper is firstly to reflect on the liturgical
renewal prevalent in traditional Afrikaans Protestant churches in South Africa
and, secondly, to analyse and recount congregants’ experience of liturgical renewal
in traditional Afrikaans churches as articulated in popular Afrikaans media publications
over the past century using document and discourse analysis. Research has
shown that worship wars revolve around the bi-polar idea of ‘traditional worship’
versus ‘contemporary worship’. From the analysis it is noted that congregants are experiencing
liturgical renewal in a very negative manner and see it as the diminishing
of the traditional church music treasure.