Sekere aspekte van veranderinge in die intraventrikulêre druk en afgeleides daarvan by skape tydens hipo- en hiperdinamiese toestande
Very little is known regarding the haemodynamics of the
sheep heart. In order to obtain more information, a left
ventricular pressure curve was registered for the intact
heart. As this still yields only limited information regarding heart function, the first time derivative of the pressure
{dP/dt) was also registered, so that information regarding
constractility and isovolumetric relaxation could be obtained during systolic and diastolic phases.
Left ventricular pressure was registered by means of a pressure
transducer inplanted directly at the apical dimple of the
left ventricle of the sheep heart. The first derivative of
the pressure {dP/dt) was obtained with the help of an electronic differentiator, and the parameters of peak positive
dP/dt, t-dP/dt (positi ve), dP/dt/IP, peak negative dP/dt
and t-dP/dt (negative) were ·determined through it. By means
of the left ventricular pressure curve left ventricular systolic pressure and left ventricular end diastolic pressure
were determined. Together with the left ventricular pressure
curve and the first time derivative of it, the EKG was also
registered. The heart frequency and the PQ interval were
calculated from the EKG.
In order to discern changes in the function of the sheep
heart as observed from left ventricular pressure and its derivative, it was necessary to induce hypodynamic and hyperdynamic conditions. Hyperdynamic conditions were induced
through the application of adrenaline, noradrenaline, digoxin as
well as adrenaline in the course of a-receptor blockage. Hypodynamic conditions were induced by means of the application of
acetylcholine,propranolol and the induction of gousiekte.
From results it has emerged that hyperdynamic conditions
caused an increase in peak positive dP/dt and other parameters
which point to increased contractility. Peak negative dP/dt
also increased, and this points to the fact that increased
strength of contraction is associated with a more rapid isovolumetric relaxation. The LVSP and the LVEDP also increased
as a result of these conditions. Hypodynamic conditions caused
a decrease in contractility and in the tempo of isovolumetric
relaxation. In the course of gousiekte this decrease in isovolumetric relaxation was very noticeable. Heart frequency
did not change very significantly during the application of
pharmaceutical' preparations, except in the course of gousiekte
where it showed an increase a few days before death. During
hypodynamic conditions the LVEDP and the LVSP decreased,
except in the case of gousiekte where the LVEDP showed
an increase shortly before the day on which death occurred.
From the results it has become clear that the sheep heart
undergoes significant change during hyperdynamic and hypodynamic changes, as emerges from the left ventricular pressure
curve and its time derivative. These parameters are useful
in the study of the higher dynamic functions of the sheep
heart, such as contractility.