The impact of tourism clusters on the central Namibian coast
A rise in adventure travel in the early 1990s through 2019 has boosted the growth of tourism
hubs in developing nations and in specific cases such as Namibia’s coastal tourism hub of
Swakopmund. SME agglomerations show distinct qualities of tourism clusters effectively
meeting the demands of both domestic and international visitors. However, despite the
successes of the local tourism industry, tourism in the central coast of Namibia appears to be
growing without a policy plan considering the impact industry clusters have on the local and
national economy. This research aimed to investigate the existence of a tourism cluster in
Swakopmund and to construct a method to measure the contributions of the suspected
tourism cluster to the local economy. Using an exploratory mixed-method research design
joining agglomeration literature, a historical review, personal interviews, a business count,
regional location quotients and a questionnaire survey, the local tourism industry in
Swakopmund was determined to be a tourism cluster. Interestingly, factor analysis and
ANOVA results exposed strong interdependencies of cooperative behaviour and coopetition
between tourism and tourism dependent firms despite motivational responses uncovering
destructive business methods of aggressive commission actions and intellectual property
theft. Survey findings report formidable contributions to local employment, SME creation and
opportunities sustaining the value of a tourism cluster to the local business community.
Moreover, the implications of this study add to a lineage of tourism cluster studies in
developing nations contributing to future tourism development and maintenance of clustering
tourism SMEs in tourism destinations.