PTSD psychological management guidelines for raped survivors in the North West Province
Background - South Africa reports a high prevalence of rape. Rape care requires comprehensive medical and
mental health care from the onset and during follow-up care visits. Regardless of such care, rape is associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) more than any other disorder. However, PTSD psychological management seems to be a challenge in the North West Province. Aim - The study aimed to develop and validate PTSD psychological management guidelines for raped survivors in the North West Province of South Africa. Method and process - The research method of this study is done in the following four phases. 1. First phase: Systematic review method and process - The study used an exploratory systematic review research design to describe present psychological management guidelines needed for rape survivors to prevent PTSD and the related consequences, as well as to manage PTSD in its onset phase. 2. Second phase: Empirical phase -
The research strategy used in the study is a sequential mixed method strategy and design. This strategy and design were divided into two stages. Stage one: Quantitative research design - The study used s cross sectional survey to determine prevalence of PTSD among rape survivors consulted in the Thuthuzela Care Centres of the North West Province of South Africa. Cross sectional survey design was also used to describe the present practice regarding rape care management and related consensus that is provided among rape survivors in the Thuthuzela Care Centres of the North West Province. Stage two: Qualitative research design - Qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design were used to explore and describe practitioners' perspectives regarding the psychological management of rape survivors suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 3. Third phase: Meta-inference and conceptualisation of findings - Meta-inferences were used to integrate quantitative and qualitative findings. The findings were conceptualised into a conceptual framework that is used to guide the development and validation of PTSD psychological management guidelines for raped survivors. 4. Fourth Phase: Kish method and process - Kish's method was used to develop and validate PTSD psychological management guidelines for rape survivors.
- Health Sciences [2061]