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dc.contributor.authorHamer, W.
dc.contributor.authorBooysen, W.
dc.contributor.authorMathews, E.H.
dc.identifier.citationHamer, W. et al. 2017. A practical approach to managing uncertainty in the measurement and verification of energy efficiency savings. Presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering (SAIIE), 25-27 Oct, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. The South African journal of industrial engineering, 28(3):128-146. []en_US
dc.identifier.issn2224-7890 (Online)
dc.description.abstractMeasurement and verification (M&V) is fundamental in determining the impact of energy efficiency (EE) interventions. However, accurately quantifying the EE savings on complex industrial systems can present several technical challenges. It is of critical importance that these challenges be practically addressed within regulatory requirements when applying for tax-based EE incentives. In this study, the key uncertainties affecting the M&V of Section 12L EE tax incentive applications are identified. A novel approach provides practical guidelines to manage and mitigate uncertainty. This approach ensures that reported savings are a fair and compliant reflection of the actual savings achieved. The presented case studies show that uncertainty can affect up to 30 per cent of reported savings. This emphasises the significant impact of uncertainty, and quantifies the benefit of compliant uncertainty management. Ultimately, this study provides valuable insight into the practical implementation of tax-based directives intended to stimulate sustainable developmenten_US
dc.description.abstractMeet en verifieer (M&V) is fundamenteel om impak van energie-doeltreffendheid intervensies te bepaal. Die akkurate kwantifisering van die energie besparings op komplekse industriële stelsels kan egter verskeie tegniese uitdagings bied. Dit is van kritieke belang dat hierdie uitdagings prakties aangespreek word binne regulatoriese vereistes van belasting gebaseerde aansporingsprogramme. In hierdie studie word die kern onsekerhede geïdentifiseer wat die Seksie 12L belasting aansporingprogram beïnvloed. 'n Nuwe benadering wat gebaseer is op praktiese riglyne word voorgestel om hierdie onsekerhede te bestuur. Die benadering verseker dat gerapporteerde besparings 'n regverdige weerspieëling weergee van die werklike besparings wat behaal word. Die implementering van die benadering op vier gevallestudies toon dat onsekerheid tot 30 persent van gerapporteerde besparings kan beïnvloed. Dit beklemtoon die beduidende impak van onsekerheid en motiveer dus die belangrike rol van onsekerheidsbestuur. Hierdie studie bied waardevolle insig tot die praktiese implementering van belasting gebaseerde programme wat daarop gemik is om volhoubare ontwikkeling te stimuleer
dc.publisherUniv Stellenboschen_US
dc.titleA practical approach to managing uncertainty in the measurement and verification of energy efficiency savingsen_US
dc.contributor.researchID13009710 - Booysen, Walter
dc.contributor.researchID10477438 - Mathews, Edward Henry
dc.contributor.researchID21639825 - Hamer, Waldt

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