A study of μιμητής in 1 Corinthians 7:1-11:1 from the perspective of discipleship
The aim of this dissertation is to determine whether it is valid to read 1 Corinthians 7:1–11:1 as a literary unit based on Paul’s adoption of the concept of discipleship demonstrated in the Gospels by way of his use of μιμητής in the said pericope. For this, Chapter 2 illuminates the traditional research that 1 Corinthians 7 and 8:1–11:1 have been considered as differentiated because the topic of the former is primarily marriage and that of the latter is the food sacrificed to idols. In Chapter 3, the semantic research of the words μιμητής and μαθητής is processed in order to show that they share common points. In Chapter 4 it is confirmed that the texts on discipleship in the Gospels and 1 Corinthians 7:1–11:1 share commonalities. Chapter 5 points out that 1 Corinthians 7 uses concepts in common with 1 Corinthians 8:1–11:1 on the perspective of discipleship such as serving others, the lordship of Christ and the imitation of Paul. Then Chapter 6 summarises and concludes that the aim of the research has been achieved.
Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om vas te stel of dit geldig is om 1 Korintiërs 7:1–11:1 as ’n literêre eenheid te lees op grond van Paulus se aanname van die konsep van dissipelskap soos in die Evangelies gedemonstreer deur middel van sy gebruik van μιμητής in die genoemde perikoop. Met die oog hierop word die tradisionele navorsing belig dat 1 Korintiërs 7 en 8:1–11:1 gedifferensieer beskou is aangesien die onderwerp van eersgenoemde hoofsaaklik die huwelik is en laasgenoemde handel oor die kos wat aan die afgode geoffer is. In hoofstuk 3 word die semantiese navorsing van die woorde μιμητής en μαθητής nagegaan ten einde aan te toon dat daar gemeenskaplike punte tussen hulle is. In hoofstuk 4 word bevestig dat die tekste oor dissipelskap in die Evangelies en 1 Korintiërs 7:1–11:1 sekere gemene aspekte het. Hoofstuk 5 wys daarop dat 1 Korintiërs 7 konsepte gebruik wat gemeenskaplik is met 1 Korintiërs 8:1–11:1 rakende die perspektief van dissipelskap soos om ander te dien, die heerskappy van Christus en die navolging van Paulus. Hoofstuk 6 vat die navorsing saam en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die doel daarvan bereik is.
- Theology [793]