Die verband tussen geselekteerde biografiese veranderlikes en Graad R-onderwysers se houding teenoor die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede van Graad R-leerders
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Loubser, Annemarie
Pienaar, Anita E.
Klopper, Audrey
Show full item recordAbstract
Die ontwikkeling van Graad R-leerders se perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede kan moontlik beïnvloed word deur die Graad R-onderwyser se houding. 'n Positiewe houding sal die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede bevorder, terwyl 'n negatiewe houding kan veroorsaak dat nie aandag gegee word aan dié vaardighede nie. 'n Kwantitatiewe metode is gevolg om te bepaal of die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede by Graad R-leerders deur die onderwyser se houding beïnvloed kan word. Die respondente (n=25) wat volgens 'n gerieflikheidsteekproef geselekteer is, het 'n self-opgestelde vraelys voltooi. Resultate is statisties geanaliseer deur middel van beskrywende statistiek asook as Spearman se rangorde-korrelasie, om verbande te ontleed tussen die onderwysers se ouderdom en ondervinding, die sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede en die aantal leerders in die klas aan die een kant, met die tyd wat aan vakke in Graad R bestee word aan die ander kant. Daar is verder gebruik gemaak van tweerigting-frekwensie-tabelle met Chi-kwadraattoetse en Cramer's V om die sterkte van die verband tussen ras, taal van onderrig en die vrae wat verband hou met houding, te bepaal. 'n Beduidende verband is gevind tussen die onderwysers se ouderdom, die ondervinding van die onderwysers, die aantal leerders in die klas, die sosio-ekonomiese omgewing, en die tyd wat aan vakke bestee word. Ouer onderwysers met min ervaring en oorvol klasse bestee minder tyd aan onderrig van verskillende vakke. Indien dié aspekte aangepak word deur indiensopleiding, kan dit moontlik 'n positiewe effek uitoefen op die onderwyser se houding teenoor die onderrig van Lewensvaardighede, waarby die ontwikkeling van leerders se perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede sal baat om uiteindelik neer-slag te vind in beter skoolgereedheid van Graad 1-leerders The development of perceptual motor skills of Grade R learners can possibly be influenced by the attitude of the Grade R teacher, and this can contribute to the fact that Grade R learners are found to be not school ready in Grade 1. A positive attitude with Grade R teachers will promote the development of perceptual motor skills, while a negative attitude may prevent perceptual motor skills from being addressed effectively. During this research, a quantitative method was followed to establish whether the development of perceptual motor skills can be influenced by the attitude of the Grade R teacher, and the research was undertaken from apost-positivistic perspective. The respondents (n = 25) were selected according to availability, and they completed self-compiled questionnaires which were available in Afrikaans and/or English. The questionnaires were completed by Grade R teachers teaching in quintile 1 (n=5) (informal settlements); quintile 2 (n=4); quintile 3 (n=7); quintile 4 (n=4) and quintile 5 (n=5) (formal residential area) schools.
The Department of Basic Education grades schools in quintiles according to the availability of learning and teaching support material (LTSM) as well as the area in which the school is situated. Results from this research were statistically analysed by means of descriptive statistics as well as Spearman's rank correlation, in order to analyse relationships between the amount of time devoted to teaching subjects in Grade R, the age and experience of Grade R teachers, as well as the socio-economic environment and the number of learners in the class on the one hand with the time spent on subjects in Grade R on the other hand. Two-way frequency tables with Chi square tests and Cramer's V were utilised to establish the strength of the relationships between race, language of teaching and learning and questions relating to attitude. A significant relationship was found between the age of Grade R teachers, their experience, the number of learners in the class, the socio economic environment and the time allocated to specific subjects. From the results it can be deduced that older teachers with little experience, with inadequate qualifications to teach Grade R, and teaching in overcrowded classes, devote less time to teaching various subjects. Results also show that sufficient LTSM is essential in order to effectively present the subject Life Skills, which includes teaching of perceptual motor skills. If these aspects are addressed by in-service training, the attitude of the teachers towards Life Skills will be affected positively, which in turn will benefit the development of learners 'perceptual motor skills and reflect in the school readiness of Grade 1 learners.
If these aspects were addressed by in-service training, the attitude of the teachers towards Life Skills would be affected positively, which would in turn benefit the development of learners' perceptual motor skills, eventually to be reflected in the school readiness of Grade 1 learners
- Faculty of Education [759]
- Faculty of Health Sciences [2404]