Maatskaplike werk groepsintervensie vir slagoffers van boeliegedrag: funksionele elemente
This article covers part of a research project aimed at the development of an intervention for use
in group work with children in their late middle childhood who are victims of bullying behaviour.
In the second phase of the intervention research, namely the collection and synthesis of data,
the opinions of professional persons were sought in a focus group regarding the essence of the
problem as well as to identify functional elements that needed to be included in the intervention.
In order to refine the intervention prototype, it was important for the voices of the victims of
bullying participants to be heard about their experience and management of bullying behaviour,
and to discuss alternative ways of managing bullying. The opinions of the parents of victims of
bullying participants, regarding their children’s inclusion in the intervention prototype, are also
included as part of the early development and pre-test phase data. Data collection is supplemented
by comprehensive literature research. Four themes were identified and are discussed in this
- Faculty of Health Sciences [2404]