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dc.contributor.authorAvenant-Oldewage, A.
dc.contributor.authorle Roux, L.E.
dc.contributor.authorMashego, Ntlogeleng Sevid
dc.contributor.authorJansen van Vuuren, Andries Barend
dc.identifier.citationAvenant-oldewage, A. et al. 2014. Paradiplozoon ichthyoxanthon n. sp. (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) from Labeobarbus aeneus (Cyprinidae) in the Vaal River, South Africa. Journal of Helminthology, 88(2):166-172. []en_US
dc.description.abstractA new species, Paradiplozoon ichthyoxanthon (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) is described from the gills of Labeobarbus aeneus (Cyprinidae) in the Vaal Dam and Vaal River Barrage in the Vaal River, South Africa. This species is the first in this genus from southern Africa; Paradiplozoon aegtyptense and Paradiplozoon ghanense have been described from northern Africa. The new species differs from all other Paradiplozoon species on the basis of the combination of morphological characteristics, namely disk-like haptor, eggs without filaments, clamp and central hook morphology and size of specimens. The species description is accompanied by a description of the reproductive organs. The internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal gene (ITS2) was studied and the South African individuals formed a distinct clade, supporting the establishment of a new species.en_US
dc.titleParadiplozoon ichthyoxanthon n. sp. (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) from Labeobarbus aeneus (Cyprinidae) in the Vaal River, South Africaen_US
dc.contributor.researchID13284193 - Mashego, Ntlogeleng Sevid
dc.contributor.researchID10053174 - Jansen van Vuuren, Andries Barend

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    Items published by the Rector, Vice-Rector and other various staff members of the North-West University

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