A model for HIV and AIDS care, research and policy interface
Study background - Nursing plays a pivotal role in the care of people living with HIV and AIDS and makes an obvious contribution in influencing HIV and AIDS policy. Studies suggest that despite their knowledge and experience nurses do not systematically inform policy. Against the background of the research problem above, the following research question was posed: How can a model for HIV and AIDS care, research and policy interface be developed? Purpose of the study and objectives - The purpose of this study was to develop and describe a model for HIV and AIDS care, research and policy interface. The study objectives were developed in two phases relevant to the methodology of developing a model. Phase One objectives - Phase 1 objectives – The identification and classification of concepts in relation to HIV and AIDS care, research and policy interface. * To examine how HIV and AIDS stigma influences nurses‟ provision of prevention, care and treatment to patients and families. * To explore and describe how HIV and AIDS affects the workforce. * To examine the HIV and AIDS policies and interventions Phase 2 objectives - Phase 2 objectives – Concept definition, description and model development * To describe a conceptual framework * To construct the relational statements amongst the identified concepts. Methods - Three different instruments were used in both qualitative and quantitative collection of data. These were the Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool, the Clinical Survey and the Interview Guide. Content and construct validity were used to determine rigour of the quantitative instruments; trustworthiness of the qualitative data was established according to Lincoln and Guba (1985) and Krefting‟s (1991) considerations of trustworthiness. Results - Concluding statements were deduced from the analysed data. These were further deducted into: HIV and AIDS care, research, HIV and AIDS stigma, staff outcomes and policy. These core concepts were used to develop a model for HIV and AIDS care, research and policy interface. Recommendations - Recommendations for practice, research, education and policy included stakeholder inclusion in HIV and AIDS policy, increasing the research component of clinical nurses and rolling out the use of HIV and AIDS care, research and policy interface model.
- Health Sciences [2061]