Metateoretiese vertrekpunte ten opsigte van wetenskaplike navorsing in gemeentebediening
OPSOMING: Hierdie artikel is deel van ’n reeks oor die verrekening van die metateoretiese vertrekpunte
in die wetenskap van Praktiese Teologie. Die eerste fase van die reeks bied die teoretiese
onderbou vir die werklikheids-, hermeneuties- en wetenskapsteoretiese beskouing van die
vak. Die tweede fase fokus op die invloed wat hierdie vertrekpunte op die wetenskaplike
navorsing van die verskillende vakgroepe in die Praktiese Teologie het. Hierdie artikel handel
oor die wetenskaplike benaderingswyse tot die navorsingsveld van gemeentebediening. In
hierdie artikel word die persoonlike metateoretiese perspektief waarmee die vakgebied van
gemeentebediening benader word, uitgespel en verantwoord ten opsigte van die volgende: die
werklikheidsbeskouing waarmee daar op die navorsingsveld van gemeentebou gefokus word;
die onderbou van die hermeneutiese beskouing wat nodig is om tot ’n verstaan te kom en tot
’n verantwoordbare verhouding tussen die elemente wat in die gemeentebouproses ter sprake
kom; en ten slotte om die wetenskapsteoretiese benadering waarmee die navorsingsveld van
gemeentebou op ’n wetenskaplik-verantwoorde wyse ondersoek kan word, te beskryf. ABSTRACT: Metatheoretical assumptions in scientific research about the ministry of the congregation. This
article is part of a series about taking into account the metatheoretical assumptions in scientific
practical-theological research. The first part of this series gives the theoretical foundation for
the view on reality-theoretical, hermeneutical-theoretical and scientific-theoretical approaches
to the research field. The second part focuses on the effect that these assumptions will have on
the scientific research of the various subject groups in Practical Theology. This article describes
the scientific approach to the research field of congregational ministry. This article describes
the personal metatheoretical perspective from which the subject area is approached and gives
account of the following: the view on reality with which the research field of congregational
ministry is studied; the foundation on which the hermeneutical viewpoint is built to attain
an understanding and a founded relationship between the elements that are applicable in the
ministry of the congregation; as well as in the last instance, to describe the scientific-theoretical
approach to the research field in a justified manner.
- Faculty of Theology [980]