Are we becoming gadgets? Social capital in the era of social networking
Social capital is partially predicated on the levels of trust obtaining between institutions
and between members of society. As such it is a vital ingredient in the ‘glue’ which holds
society together and which facilitates contractual economic activity. Recent technological
advances, and the concomitant ascendancy of social networking, have radically
reconfigured the environment in which social capital is generated, and the social sciences
have some way to go fully to digest these new developments. This article surveys the
meteoric rise of the ‘technium’ in the social imaginary and delineates some of the
reservations current commentators have about the next ‘singularity’ to succeed the
Internet. The discussion includes a brief account of the philosophy behind the
objectification of the human. It also speculates about the consequences of paradigm shifts
in modes of relating for the formation of social capital in the future.