'n Ondersoek na en bydraes tot navraaghantering en -optimering deur databasisbestuurstelsels
The problems associated with the effective design and uses of databases are increasing. The information contained in a database is becoming more complex and the size of the data is causing space problems. Technology must continually develop to accommodate this growing need. An inquiry was conducted in order to find effective guidelines that could support queries
in general in terms of performance and productivity. Two database management systems were
researched to compare die theoretical aspects with the techniques implemented in practice.
Microsoft SQL Sewer and MySQL were chosen as the candidates and both were put under
close scrutiny. The systems were researched to uncover the methods employed by each to
manage queries. The query optimizer forms the basis for each of these systems and manages
the parsing and execution of any query. The methods employed by each system for storing
data were researched.
The way that each system manages table joins, uses indices and chooses optimal execution
plans were researched. Adjusted algorithms were introduced for various index processes like
B+ trees and hash indexes.
Guidelines were compiled that are independent of the database management systems and help
to optimize relational databases. Practical implementations of queries were used to acquire and
analyse the execution plan for both MySQL and SQL Sewer. This plan along with a few other
variables such as execution time is discussed for each system. A model is used for both
database management systems in this experiment.