A comparison of route–to–market strategies as a means to improve customer service
This study has been commissioned to compare different route-to-market (RTM) strategies and models within Coca-Cola endeavours in South Africa, Mexico and India. The Coca-Cola RTM model has been explained and the implementation outcomes in all three counties examined and illustrated.
The research indicates how important it is to classify customers into segments according to their retail interests. Furthermore, it elucidates the importance of a strong customer base and alliance with the company‟s operational supply chain. It also examines challenges in terms of customer satisfaction and the effect the model has on customer satisfaction.
This study has covered an analysis of the RTM strategies for Coca-Cola South Africa, Mexico and India in detail and used this to provide a foundation for formulating a first-class RTM model. It offers insight into the implementation process in the different markets, highlighting the importance of tailoring the RTM model to specific markets. Comparative studies emphasise the remarkable difference it can make when the process is altered to suite an explicit channel within a market.
The overall conclusion is that an effective RTM model, which has a well-established customer base at its centre, will significantly improve the satisfaction of customers in terms of quality and respect for services rendered.