Die geestesweerbaarheidsprogram in Transvaalse sekondêre skole : 'n teoreties–empiriese ondersoek
The purpose of this research was: to consider the need, the aims and the
methods of presentation of the moral preparedness programme; to determine
the current attitude of those persons responsible for moral preparedness in
the Transvaal secondary schools; to determine what is done in the different
schools towards fulfilling the aims set out by the Transvaal Education
Department; to present a number of suggestions as to reaching the ideals
of the moral preparedness programme.
In a theoretical literature study an attempt was made at a critical determination
of the three ideas education, teaching and moral preparedness,
the aims of the different ideas and the connection that there may be. It
has been found that the same characteristics are present in education,
teaching and moral preparedness, but that the latter may be seen as an
extension of the act of education.
A further attempt was made at typifying the modern educational environment
by a closer study of the different components, namely the family; the
school and the University. These results have proved the necessity of a
moral preparedness programme. Attention was also paid to the task of
the family, the school, the church and the state in relation to moral
preparedness. The theoretical part of the research was concluded with the
study of the development of the moral preparedness programme under the
Transvaal Education Department.
A personal research consisted of Questionnaire A (to principals of schools)
containing questions concerning the general attitude to moral preparedness;
and Questionnaire B (to the teacher-organizer of the programme) containing
questions concerning the implementing of the moral preparedness programme
in Transvaal secondary schools.
After ascertaining that both Questionnaire A (consisting of 10 items) and
Questionnaire B (consisting of 14 items) comply with the scientific demands
of objectivity, validity and reliability, these were sent for completion to
all secondary schools under the Transvaal Education Department.
Responses were analysed and were - where applicable - presented by means
of tables and graphs. In this way an attempt was made to interpret the
It appears that moral preparedness in schools is theoretically regarded as
important and even essential, but that it does not fulfil departmental
expectations in practice. The most common limitations are insufficient
training for students and teachers; impractical group combinations; the
indifference regarding pupil participation in the planning and presentation
of themes; the method of presentation; the lack of control and the overall
negative attitude of both teacher and pupil.
This research culminates in a proposal to all educators and educational
authorities to take a new, high-level view of moral preparedness into
consideration at the highest level and to promote it for the welfare of
the youth of South Africa.
A few final suggestions as to the successful application of the programme
concluded this research.
- Education [1692]