'n Konseptuele model vir 'n rekenaargebaseerde bestuursinligtingstelsel vir die topbestuur van 'n onderwyskollege
The research for establishing a conceptual model for a computer-based
management information system for the top management of a teachers'
training college, is divided into four stages:
In the first instance attention is given to the managerial functions of top
management of a teachers' training college. Planning, organizing, directing
and control by top management in different management areas is investigated.
Secondly it is indicated that a management information system is a sub-system
of a teachers' training college and it can be divided into a number of
components or sub-systems. The purpose of a management information
system is to provide management timeously with accurate information, in the
correct format, in order to assist them with management.
Thirdly it is shown that top level managers at a teachers training college need
information regarding students, staff, financial matters and facilities.
Managers at top level also indicated that they have a need to receive this
information on demand.
Finally it is shown that an information system for top level managers at
teachers' training colleges should incorporate a data-base with a data-base
management system, application programmes which should include an expert
system and a decision support system, a computer network and a data-base
- Education [1692]