Browsing by Subject "Grondwet"
Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Die bestaanbaarheid van gewoonteregtelike huwelike in die lig van die Grondwet
(North-West University, 2005)Customary marriages are essentially polygamous. Courts were of the opinion that the nature of customary marriages are against public policy and natural justice. The Interim Constitution, 1993 gave effect to the consequences ... -
Deelname in Plaaslike Regering en Demokratiese Konsolidasie in Suid-Afrika - 'n Analise
(North-West University, 2018)Suid-Afrika is 'n nuwe demokrasie en daarom is die fokus van hierdie studie gerig op die konsolidasie van demokrasie met spesifieke verwysing na die plaaslike regeringsfeer. In hierdie verband is die kernaspekte wat teoreties ... -
Die wegbeweeg vanaf gematigdheid na 'n radikale grondherverdelingsbenadering as transformasieprioriteit in Suid-Afrika
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2017)A key reason for the establishment of the African National Congress (ANC) in 1912 was ensuring and securing access to land for the landless masses. Since then land redistribution remained key concepts in the ANC's policy ... -
Die kind se grondwetlike reg tot basiese onderwys en die verpligting van die staat tot voorsiening van infrastruktuur
(2013)Section 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 states that everyone has the right to basic education. This provision must be interpreted in order to determine whether it refers to a period of education, ... -
Local government transformation and the recognition of the disabled : an analytical perspective
(North-West University, 2010)The purpose of this study is to investigate the transformation process that has taken place in the local government sphere over the past sixteen years. This process is based on the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996. Transformation ... -
'n Ondersoek na die grondwetlikheid van artikel 63 van die Belastingadministrasiewet
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Artikel 63 van die Wet op Belastingadministrasie (WBA) (28 van 2011) verleen aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) die mag van deursoeking en beslaglegging sonder ʼn lasbrief. Die primêre beginsel van bogenoemde ... -
One person's culture is another person's crime : a cultural defence in South African law?
(2014)The South African legal system is dualistic in nature with the one part consisting of the Western common law and the other consisting of African customary law. Although these two legal systems enjoy equal recognition, they ... -
Testeervryheid in die huidige konstitusionele bedeling
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Die vraag wat deur hierdie skripsie beantwoord word is of testeervryheid beperk kan word deur konstitusionele regte en indien wel, tot watter mate. Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord moet vasgestel word watter formele vereistes ... -
Theoretical (dis-) position and strategic leitmotivs in constitutional interpretation in South Africa
(2015)This essay takes a look at the historic restoration that bequeathed this country and its people a prototypical, justiciable Constitution. The advent of constitutional democracy in South Africa went hand in hand with an ... -
“Transnasionale konteks” in die regspraak van die konstitusionele hof in Suid-Afrika: ’n variasie op die tema van grondwetsvertolking
(Litnet, 2013)Hierdie bydrae is 'n uitgebreide gevallestudie van hoe (en hoe doeltreffend) die konstitusionele hof in Suid-Afrika (hierna "die hof") toegang wat via die Grondwet tot 'n transnasionale konteks verleen word, in wets- en ...