Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • CUSUM procedures based on sequential ranks 

      Van Zyl, Corli (2015)
      The main objective of this dissertation is the development of CUSUM procedures based on signed and unsigned sequential ranks. These CUSUMs can be applied to detect changes in the location or dispersion of a process. The ...
    • Sequential rank CUSUMs for location and dispersion 

      Van Zyl, C.; Lombard, F. (SASA, 2018)
      We develop CUSUMs based on sequential ranks of the observations to detect changes over time in the location and dispersion of a distribution. The CUSUMs are distribution free in the sense that the appropriate control ...
    • Signed sequential rank CUSUMs 

      Lombard, F.; Van Zyl, C. (Elsevier, 2018)
      CUSUMs based on the signed sequential ranks of observations are developed for detecting location and scale changes in symmetric distributions. The CUSUMs are distribution-free and fully self-starting: given a specified ...