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Now showing items 15991-16010 of 35672
Guidelines for social workers : detection of parental alienation during separation or divorce
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)Certain families may experience high conflict due to separation or divorce. This leaves families vulnerable to parental alienation which could have a devastating effect on the family. Parental alienation could have a ... -
Guidelines for social workers regarding the first interview with the sexually abused child
(North-West University, 2008)Child sexual abuse is more prevalent than can be expected. It is in one way damaging and the trauma does not end when the abuse stops. The problem rarely occurs in isolation and frequently interacts with other aspects of ... -
Guidelines for social workers to improve foster care placements for children affected by HIV/AIDS
(North-West University, 2007)HIV and AIDS are dramatically reshaping the population structure of South Africa. The number of orphans as a result of AIDS-related deaths is expected to rise. This places a heavier burden of care on grandmothers, female ... -
Guidelines for successful implementation of total productive maintenance in a chemical plant
(2014)With the world economy becoming unpredictable, it has become a necessity for businesses to relook at the way they do business. The world has become competitive and companies that aim to become profitable have seen the need ... -
Guidelines for support to mothers of sexually abused children in North-West Province
(AOSIS, 2017)Background: South Africa is reported to have the highest rate of sexual assault in the world with over 40% of cases occurring among children. Children who are sexually abused have support programmes and policies to assist ... -
Guidelines for support to mothers of sexually abused children in North-West Province
(North-West University (South Africa), 2015)Introduction - Sexual abuse against children and infant is increasing at a shocking rate in South Africa. Report of South African Police Service for 2008/2009 indicates that South Africa has the highest baby and infant ... -
Guidelines for support to survivors of intimate partner violence for church leaders in selected Pentecostal churches in South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)Background: In South Africa (SA), women are considerably more likely than men to experience violence at the hands of their intimate partners. The SA intimate partner violence (IPV) rate is 5 times higher than the global ... -
Guidelines for teachers' understanding and operationalization of interreligious dialogue in multi-religious classrooms
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)Research Problem What pedagogically justifiable guidelines can be designed and developed for improving teachers' understanding and subsequent operationalization of interreligious dialogue in multi-religious classrooms? ... -
Guidelines for the appropriate referral of child clients for forensic assessments
(South African Society on the Abuse of Children (SAPSAC), 2015)This article reports on a study which aimed at establishing a guideline for social workers in the offices of the Christian Council for Social Services in the Highveld Synod, in order to facilitate proper referral for ... -
Guidelines for the design and creation of a web form to facilitate the registration of first time tax payers: an HCI approach
(IBIMA, 2010)Research has been conducted both in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and in the field of design and creation. Very little research has been conducted in the area of tax registration systems. No research was carried ... -
Guidelines for the development of religious tolerance praxis in mono-religious education institutions
(2016)Research problem: This research focused on the following problem statement: What guidelines for the development of religious tolerance praxis could be drafted for mono-religious higher education institutions, and why? ... -
Guidelines for the editing of dissertations and theses: A survey of editors' perceptions
(Taylor & Francis/Routledge/NISC, 2010)This article presents the findings of an empirical study undertaken to investigate South African editors' perceptions of the tasks and responsibilities of the editor working with dissertations and theses. The general lack ... -
Guidelines for the editing of dissertations and theses: a survey of editors' perceptions
(Taylor & Francis, 2010)This article presents the findings of an empirical study undertaken to investigate South African editors’ perceptions of the tasks and responsibilities of the editor working with dissertations and theses. The general ... -
Guidelines for the effective use of audio-visual technology in lecture rooms at North-West University
(North-West University (South Africa), 2020)The use of audio-visual (AV) technology at institutions of higher learning has improved the methods and techniques used to deliver knowledge content to students. While these technological devices keep advancing in our ... -
Guidelines for the implementation of cooperative education in South African teaching and learning organisations in higher education
(North-West University, 2007)This study focuses on the compilation of guidelines for the implementation of cooperative education in teaching and learning organisations, in the Gauteng region in South Africa. Since no or limited guidelines exist in ... -
Guidelines for the implementation of performance appraisal in clinics in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District
(North-West University, 2011)The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996 (SA, 1996) makes provision for all citizens to receive quality health care. Legislation such as the White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service of ... -
Guidelines for the inclusion of ADHD learners in the classroom
(North-West University, 2006)Although Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common disorder amongst school going children, it is often misdiagnosed, misunderstood and mismanaged. This state of affairs does not bode well for the development ... -
Guidelines for the migration of business intelligence in a developing organisation
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2019)Business intelligence (BI) is an analytical method used by organisations to extract production data, analyse it and present business users with meaningful insight into operations to support decision-making. The study aimed ... -
Guidelines for the professional development of Mathematics teachers in the pedagogical use of ICT in open distance learning
(2013)Professional development (PD) of teachers is part of the Department of Basic Education‘s (DBE) initiative to encourage school communities to use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve the quality of ... -
Guidelines for the structuring of a user requirement specification in the process control industry
(North-West University (South Africa), 1998)'n Gebruikersbehoefte .tpesifikasie (GBS) in die proses beheer industrie beskryf die klient of gebruiker se vereistes waaraan 'n proses beheer sisteem moet voldoen en behoort dan ook deur hom of haar geskryf te word. ...