Lyfstraf as faset van die skoolhoof se beheersingsbevoegdheid in sekondêre skole
The purpose of this thesis is to look into and investigate corporal punishment as facet
of the principal's competence of control in secondary schools.
Research has been done in order to study:
• the power and authority base on which the principal's competence of control rely,
• the pedagogical juridical directives for corporal punishment.
To achieve these goals a literary study and empirical investigation has been completed.
In the literary study specific attention has been paid to the power and authority base
on which the principal's competence of control rely, the nature of corporal punishment
and the aim for ad111inistering corporal punishment Attention has also been paid to
the pedagogical juridical directives and the problems caused by administering corporal
punishment. Consideration was given to the arguments of those who prefers corporal
punishment in schools. The study has been done in perspective of the Law of Education.
An empirical investigation has clearly indicated that corporal punishment as a pedagogical
way· of punishment is not under pressure from the parents. Some of the principal's
however, although they are familiar to the authority bases which refer to corporal
punishment, tend to ignore some of the juridical directives which control corporal
A possible explanation for the above mentioned problem can be that the tertiary educational
institutions for the Law of Education in South Africa may have a lack in their syllabus.
Guidelines have been laid down following the investigation to ensure corporal punishment
as a pedagogical way of punishment.
- Education [1692]