'n Ondersoek na oor– en onderprestering by hoërskoolleerlinge met spesiale verwysing na motiverings– en persoonlikheidsaspekte
This investigation explored differences between
academically underachieving and overachieving
pupils in relation to motivation and personality
in a Transvaal secondary school. The hypothetical
concept was that underachievers and overachievers
would differ greatly and significantly
with regard to personality and motivational
From a population of 565 pupils three experimental
groups were compiled, viz: a control group,
a group of underachievers and a group of overachievers,
each consisting of thirty subjects.
As criterion for the academic achievement of the
subjects, their academic achievement in school
for 1975 was used and the experimental groups
were compiled in such a way, that the underachievers
and overachievers reflect the greatest
discrepancy between academic achievement and IQ.
The relationship between the verbal and non-verbal
average score of each experimental group for
the IQ Test, was investigated. This did not
differ significantly. The relationship between
IQ and academic achievement was also investigated.
In the case of the underachievers and over-
achievers significant differences in relation to
I IQ and academic achievement were found.
Personality and motivation were measured by two
tests: the HSPQ and the Pauli Test. Statistical
methods used were the t-Test and the Chi-square
Test. The latter were used for the significance
of differences between underachievers and overachievers
with regard to motivation and personality.
In main the results of this investigation did not
underline the findings of most other investigators.
For all three experimental groups the personality
traits disclosed by the HSPQ were basically
the same. However, the underachievers and
overachievers did differ significantly with regard
to intelligence and Factor I "Sensitivity"
(5% level of significance). The overachievers
tend to be more sensitive than the underachievers.
Most investigators report a positive relationship
between introversion - extroversion and overachievement
and underachievement. This was not
found in this investigation. The same can be started with regard
to self-concept and creativity.
The Pauli Test did not produce results which
differentiate significantly between underachievers
and overachievers. However, certain conclusions
could made: it seems as if overachievers (in
this investigation) were better motivated than
The findings of the HSPQ and Pauli Tests were
used for a cumulative profile in which the main
personality differences between underachievers
and overachievers were underlined.
- Education [1692]