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dc.contributor.advisorVan der Westhuizen, P.C.
dc.contributor.advisorBarnard, S.S.
dc.contributor.authorPienaar, Abel Daniel Petrus
dc.descriptionSkripsie (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1988
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The major portion of the school principal's work day consists of interaction with other people. It is therefore necessary that sound human relationships should prevail as an essential quality in the school principal. This is, however, an aspect in which he/she received no, or hardly any training. Mintzberg introduces three interpersonal management roles in his management model for managers (i.e. school principal), but does not describe the ways and means of how these roles must be interpreted. Aim: This research aims to determine how the school principal must/can interpret these three interpersonal management roles according to Mintzberg's model. Compendium: Chapter one deals with the proposition of the problem, the aim of this research and course thereof. Chapter two deals with the approach to the role, the introduction to the Mintzberg management model and a brief exposition of ten management roles. Chapter three contains the ceremonial role of the school principal and suggestions of how he/she must interpret his/her ceremonial role towards higher authority, staff, pupils the parent community, the wider community and the school as institution in relation to administrative, formal and informal ceremonies. Chapter four deals with the leadership role of the school principal and consists of indications of the nature of knowledge the principal must possess as leader to enable him/her to foster a healthy relaxed atmosphere in the organization, to motivate individuals or groups and to cultivate sound human relationships. Chapter five deals with the origin, disposition and principles of liaison work. It is stipulated how the process of liaison influences the role of the liaison officer (i.e. school principal) in connection with educational authorities, personnel, pupils, parents and the wider community. Chapter six presents a summary of the research as well as conclusions and recommendations.en_US
dc.publisherPotchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
dc.titleDie interpersoonlike bestuursrol van die skoolhoof volgens die Mintzberg–modelafr

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