The influence of the hunting experience on quality of life
Tourism is one of the fastest growing experience industries worldwide and the
experiences gained by the tourist are of utmost importance for the
enhancement and growth of this industry. However, even though studies
have been conducted on various tourists to determine the different factors that
influence their experiences, for example the service rendered by the tourism
destination, only a few studies show the influences on a hunter’s hunting trip.
There are various types of tourisms, thus implicating that there are different
type of tourists, and for this instance in wildlife tourism, hunters are
concentrated on.
Hunters like all other tourists, have their own unique needs and perceptions
when visiting a hunting destination. Although literature is available on tourist
experiences and Quality of Life (QoL), applying these two concepts to hunters
is a contribution to literature on tourism and QoL. This study shows that there
are differences between factors that influence hunters’ quality of lifeand those
that influence tourists’ quality of life. Different individuals have different needs
and different factors consequently influence their quality of life on the whole.
In this instance, for example, for the hunters these factors are the social
aspects; the other hunters accompanying them during their hunt and not
merely the kill itself.
Although hunters do hunt wild animals, they appreciate the wildlife and being
in nature more than the hunt itself, and the company (other hunters) has a
great influence on their experience. However the hunters are not significantly
influenced by whether their families come along or not; it is more about the
hunt itself and being one with nature. The results show that the hunters are
not influenced by any negative effects or incidents that may occur prior to,
during, or after the hunting trip. The hunters’ marital status has an effect on
the results, and also the financial stability of the individuals, and the type of
hunting trip because the hunters’ time and the type of hunt depend on the
dependants at home.
This study indicates all these factors and identifies that hunting does have an
influence on a hunter’s QoL. The following factors that contribute to the
hunters’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction have been identified in the literature
study: Facilities at the hunting destination, crowding that may occur,
competency and professionalism of the hunting guide, social components,
interaction during the hunting trip, being in nature, the hunter’s performance,
equipment and skills regarding the usage of this equipment, different
constraints e.g. financial, harvesting of animals, environment and the wildlife
that is hunted, previous experiences and bagging of the animals.
Through this literature hunting destinations can upgrade their facilities to
ensure that the hunters gain optimal experience satisfaction, thus enhancing
their QoL.