Die invloed van persoonlikheid op die studiehouding van 'n groep kinderhuiskinders
This research is done with focus on a children' s home child, who is deviated by factors out of his control, but who is helped to unfurl to adulthood, so that he can have the same future vision as other children. where he has to compete to a position in a fast developing labour market. The aim of this study, by way of literature study, and supported by emperical research is to determine what the study attitude of a children' s home child is. This study attitude is analysed according to factors which give direction to it, especially the influence of personality on study attitudes. Background knowledge is gained about personality and the etiology/origin of personality characteristics, with the meaning that educators in their guidance of children to optimum personality development also bearing the study attitudes in mind. An attitude inventory is developed and implemented in order to obtain more information about the study attitudes of children' s home children in the senior primary school phase. Children from one children' s home were involved in this study after the attitude inventory' s reliability and validity was tested at another children' s home. The information obtained is statistically revised by the statistics consultation services ofthe PU for CHO. The results ofthe investigation was thereafter analysed to give positive recommendation to the practise and to do further research. Throughout this study reference to he means he/she, his means hislhers and him meaning him/her.
- Education [1692]