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dc.contributor.authorVenter, Casper Jan Hendrik
dc.identifier.citationVenter, C.J.H. 2011. Intelligensie op drie vlakke as 'n kernvereiste vir die bedienaar. In die Skriflig, 45(2&3):613-631. []en_US
dc.description.abstractIntelligence on three levels as core requirement for the pastor In this article the requirement that a pastor should act and behave in an intellectually, emotionally and socially intelligent way is focused on. At the outset of the article intellectual intelligence is discussed metatheoretically. The functioning of the brain, especially of the neocortex, the sub-cortex and the amygdala is outlined as far as intellectual intelligence is concerned. Basistheoretically relevant requirements for being intellectually intelligent are then investigated, in particular relevant requirements for the sound equipment of the pastor as stated in the pastoral epistles. In this respect the following aspects are scrutinised: the requirement that the pastor should have the competence to instruct the congregation from God’s Word, and the requirement that the pastor should have the ability to equip his congregation in an intellectually sound way. In the ensuing part of the article metatheoretical viewpoints on emotional intelligence are outlined. Aspects like the following are indicated and mentioned as these should form part of the pastor’s equipment: the value of a sound self-awareness, a clear perspective on own competencies, a founded self-confidence, self-control, the ability to minister with certain aims in mind, to handle own emotional wounds, and in the last instance, the requirement of insight and how to cope with own emotions. The requirement that the pastor should exercise self-control and the conviction of being called by and cared for by his Sender, God, are included as basistheoretical material. As far as social intelligence is concerned, the following elements are taken into consideration on metatheoretical level: the ability to have an understanding for the situation of someone else and the competence to tune into the feelings of another person. Aspects of the requirement to create relationships, and issues of empathy are investigated and described basis-theoretically. In conclusion practice-theoretical guidelines are formulated for a possible implementation of intellectual, emotional and social intelligence in the ministry of a servant of God.en_US
dc.description.abstractIntelligensie op drie vlakke as ’n kernvereiste vir die bedienaar In hierdie artikel word op die vereiste gefokus dat die bedienaar op ’n verstandelik-, emosioneel- en sosiaal-intelligente wyse moet kan optree en handel. Intellektuele intelligensie word aan die begin van die artikel metateoreties bespreek. Die funksionering van die brein word omlyn in sover dit raakvlakke met verstandelike intelligensie het, in besonder die breinfunksies van die neokorteks, die subkorteks en die amigdala. Onder basisteoretiese aspekte word die volgende vereistes uit die pastorale briewe betrek: die vereistes dat die bedienaar bevoegd moet wees om die gemeente uit God se Woord te onderrig en die vereiste dat hy die vermoë moet hê om op ’n verstandige wyse te handel. Vervolgens word metateoretiese aspekte van emosionele intelligensie aangedui, waaronder ’n goeie selfbewussyn, ’n helder beskouing van die eie vermoëns, gefundeerde selfvertroue, selfbeheer, om met doelwitte te kan werk, die hantering van die eie emosionele letsels, en insig in en hantering van die eie emosies. Hierdie vereistes word in die bespreking betrek juis omdat dit deel van die pastor se bedieningswyse raak. As basisteoretiese perspektiewe op emosionele intelligensie is veral die aspekte van empatie en die geborgenheid van die bedienaar betrek. Ten opsigte van sosiale intelligensie is metateoreties gestel dat dit ’n kernvereiste is om ’n ander se situasie te kan verstaan, aan te voel en op die ander person se gevoelens te kan inspeel. Die proses van verhoudingsvorming en die betoon van empatie is op basisteoretiese wyse nagegaan en nader omskryf. Ten slotte is praktykteoretiese riglyne gebied vir die moontlike implementering van verstandelike, emosionele en sosiale intelligensie in die werk en toerusting van ’n dienskneg van God.
dc.subjectEmosies: ontleding vanen_US
dc.subjectintelligensie: verstandelik, emosioneel, sosiaalen_US
dc.subjectpastorale brieween_US
dc.subjecttoerusting: bedienaar seen_US
dc.titleIntelligensie op drie vlakke as 'n kernvereiste vir die bedienaaren_US

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