Effective financial management as a component of ABET in the education system of the North West Province
Training ABET centre managers in mobilisation of financial resources and
financial management skills is central to the transformation of ABET centres,
from night schools to Public Adult Learning Centres. Training ABET centre
managers in effective financial management will ensure that resources
(human, physical and financial) are managed effectively to provide quality
education and training programmes to the target group.
ABET centres, much against the state's intent to transform them into Public
Adult Learning Centres, continue to remain night schools. The failure to
transforming ABET centres is due to inaccessibility of resources and
equipment, use of outdated equipment, use of educators who are not
relevantly trained in the ABET scenario and reliance on tuition fees paid by
learners for an ABET centre running costs. Adult Basic Education and
Training (ABET) educators lack financial management skills as dictated by
the current legislation. As a result, ABET educators cannot mobilise and
utilise financial resources effectively at ABET centres, to enable them to
provide quality education and training programmes to meet the education
and training needs of the target group in ABET As a result the very organs
of change (ABET centres) which are supposed to help skill the adult
learners to create jobs for themselves and for others in their locality, remain
night schools, thus making transformation a pipe dream.
The aims of the research study were to determine:
• The training and development needs of ABET educators at state
registered public ABET centres in the North West Provincial Education
Department in financial management.
• The type of financial records kept at ABET centres in the North West
Provincial Education Department to ensure proper financial resources
management in view of the current legislation and regulations.
• Whether state registered public ABET centres have sufficient resources
and equipment so as to provide quality education and training
programmes to meet the education and training needs of the target
• Whether there are any control measures in place at state registered
public ABET centres to prevent fraud, corruption and mismanagement of
• Whether financial activities at state registered public ABET centres in
the North West Provincial Education Department are effectively
• Whether there are training and development programmes for the
purpose of equipping ABET educators in the province with financial
management skills, with the aim of designing such programmes where
they do not exist or to improve on existing programmes.
In the literature, the financial management of state registered public ABET
centres as non profit organisations (NPOs) was closely studied. The
purpose was to establish whether state registered public ABET centres as
NPOs operate within the framework of the non-profit organisations Act and
treasury regulations in the Province. Focus was also placed on existing pre- or in-service training programmes for ABET educators, to establish whether
they provide training in line with training needs of ABET educators in
financial management.
The empirical research was conducted in the North West Provincial
Education Department state registered public ABET centres in all area
project offices in the five regions the province is comprised. The requisite
data was collected through a postal questionnaire. Questionnaires were
sent to five ABET centre managers in each area project office which are
currently practising at state registered public ABET centres. During the
research process, legislation in the form of gazettes, regulations, policies,
reports, circulars and treasury regulations as availed to the researcher, or
downloaded electronically from the internet, were studied. Different training
programmes from different institutions of Higher Education and Training, for
the training of ABET educators were also studied. The data collected
through literature study and empirical study enabled the researcher to draw
a conclusion that there is a dire need to design a training and development
programme for training ABET educators in financial management.
Beyond the phases of literature study and empirical research, the
researcher had to decide on the kind of model which could be used to
design a training and development programme for training ABET educators
in financial management in line with the current legislation.
Some of the findings in the research study are:
• ABET centre managers at state registered public ABET centres have not
been trained in financial management.
• No proper financial records are kept at state registered public ABET
centres in the North West Provincial Education Department.
• There are no internal monitoring and control of financial activities and
expenditure respectively.
• Risk management is not practised in ABET in the Province.
• Insufficient funds are raised by ABET centres.
• ABET centres do not have access to vocational training Centres,
administration offices, media centres and technology.
• Financial records at state registered public ABET centres in the Province
are not submitted to chartered accountants for audit purposes.
• There is a dire need for the design of a training and development
programme for ABET centre managers at state registered public ABET
A model for training ABET educators in financial management was
developed by the researcher. It was also discovered that the mini education-
and-training-system was an effective model in providing for the
specific training needs of ABET educators, with specific focus on financial
- Education [1692]