F.J. Bezuidenhout's Doornfontein: a case study in white farmland alienation on the 19th century Witwatersrand.
• Opsomming:
Hierdie artikel handel oor aspekte van die vestiging
en vervreemding van die Witwatersrandse plaas
"Doornfontein" (nr 323) tydens die 19e eeu. Die
narratief word ontwikkel teen die agtergrond van die
demografiese, wetlike en besigheidstrukture wat
destyds in Transvaal tot stand gekom het. Klem val
op die handelinge van twee prominente figure, F.J.
Bezuidenhout (snr) en Veldkornet J.P. Meyer, wat
hierdie strukture benut het in pogings om hulle
persoonlike oogmerke te bevorder. • Summary:
This article tells part of the story of the establishment
and alienation of the Witwatersrand farm "Doornfontein" (no 323) during the 19th century. The narrative
is situated in the context of the demographic, legal and
entrepreneurial structures emerging in the Transvaal at
that time. Specifically, it reconstructs the actions of two
prominent individuals, F.J. Bezuidenhout (snr) and
Veldcornet J.P. Meyer, who utilized these structures in
trying to realize their personal aims.