The role of family and neighbourhood functioning in basic psychological need fulfilment among African adolescents
Self-determination theory proposes that basic psychological needs are supported by the social environments. Three studies were conducted using structural equation modelling in Mplus to determine the influence of family and neighbourhood functioning on basic psychological needs. A sample of 977 adolescents (14 to 23 years) completed the BMPN, SCI-2 and FAD. Study 1 (N = 488) found that poor family functioning negatively influenced the satisfaction of needs. In study 2 (N = 489) sense of community had no influence on the psychological needs. Study 3 showed that family functioning did not moderate the relationship between sense of community and satisfaction of psychological needs. How adolescents perceived and experienced their interaction with their families played a role in the satisfaction of their needs in these studies. This study has implications for practitioners who work with adolescents, especially how they can partner with and guide them towards culturally sound ways of expressing their psychological needs. For counselling psychologists this knowledge can inform interventions on motivation and well-being promotion among adolescents.
- Humanities [2680]