Adult education programme as a rehabilitation toll for inmates in correctional services in Rustenburg Area of the North West Province
In most developing countries crime is often a common problem because the standards of living is very poor. In South Africa, in the pre- independence era, lack of education was a major cause of crime, as many people could not be employed. In the post-independence era, it has become increasingly difficult for even the educated people to be employed, a factor which still contributes to a large- scale crime. The challenge that this situation poses to the civil society is that even if criminals may be imprisoned, chances are that on their release they might commit crime again, as they would be finding themselves in the same economic conditions. Adult Education Programme is one of the mechanisms designed to help in the rehabilitation of the prisoners so that they become helpful mernbers in their communities when they get released. This study attempted to determine the effectiveness of this programme in rehabilitating the inmates. This was done through studying the attitude of the prisoners themselves to the programme on one hand, and through determining the recidivism rate on the other hand. These two variables were the most ideal measures of the success of the Adult Education Programme in re- integrating exprisoners back into their communities. In North West prisons, it was revealed that the majority of the prisoners were very positive and enthusiastic about the programme. The quality of this education was seen to be satisfactory, as it stresses mainly vocational subjects, which enable
ex- prisoners to get jobs more easily in the technical sector. In addition, there is adequate Psychological and religious support programmes, which enhance the prisoners moral fibre, so that even if they are not immediately employed and employable, they do not resort to crime. The prison records also revealed a very low recidivism rate, which suggest that ex- prisoners are absorbable in their communities. Thus, even though it needs to be constantly improved, Adult Education Programme in the North West prisons is worth its while and effective.
- Education [1692]