Total quality management (TQM) as a tool to improve the quality of education results in Atamelang District Secondary Schools of North-West Province
The purpose of this study was to determine how total quality management can be used as a tool to improve quality of education results in Atamelang district secondary schools of North West Province. A thorough literature review was conducted. Furthermore, a questionnaire was developed, pre-tested and administered. A random sample of sixteen (n = 16) secondary schools in Atamelang District of Education was conducted. The
questionnaire was exposed to two hundred and fifty (n = 250) respondents. The subjects of the study were management, e.g. principals, deputy principals, HODs (n = 94) and teachers (n = 156). The study survey revealed that most of the respondents were of the idea that Total Quality Management is a methodology relevant to help educators and schools to improve the quality of education in the district. From the qualitative and quantitative data analysed, the following emerged as some of the strong facts for improving the quality of education results: commitment by all stakeholders, teamwork, government supply of resources, effective school management, positive attitude towards work, proper and continued service by subject advisors, training of educators and management, good communication within the school, monitored attendance of educators and learners, class
attendance by educators and discipline to all law transgressors ( educators and learners). From the literature review, it is evident that TQM helped to improve education quality in countries like USA, Britain and Australia. Schools that implemented Total Quality Management produced a coherent and integrated approach and
goodwill of staff plus good education results. In conclusion, the study revealed that TQM can help improve the quality of education in Atamelang District of Education when there is commitment and quality work done by all involved in education. The study and understanding of TQM principles by management and educators will also help them succeed in implementing TQM in their schools and district.